Sport as a Medicine and the Greatest Attractor

Basketball legend Rado Rančík encourages young people to stay active and not just focus on technology.

"Play fair and enjoy it. Sport is mainly about having fun. And if you can enjoy it collectively, the results will definitely come," said Slovak basketball legend Radoslav Rančík during the opening ceremony of the European Team Cup on Primate's Square in Bratislava. His presence also delighted the organizer of the European Team Cup, Peter Králik. "It's great when former personalities set an example for the young ones," Králik believes.

From Childhood Game to Olympic Sport The former Slovak national team player gladly took on the role of ambassador for 3x3 basketball. "It's a sport that has made significant progress since my time. It's already in the Olympics, and there's a lot of interest in it. When I used to play it, it had a different spirit," Rančík compared with satisfaction in his voice. He is an eight-time Slovak Player of the Year and has a deep connection to professional basketball, having played in seven different countries and still being involved in the sport today.

He seized the opportunity to address the youth before the Bratislava event. "I embraced it with open arms because any activity that brings the younger generation closer to sports is very important. I think people tend to forget that sports are the biggest driver and carrier of a country's name. It works better than anything else, whether it's politicians, actors, or singers. Athletes are the ones who promote their country's name the most worldwide. If they achieve good results, it's even more attractive," says Rančík.

"The younger generation also needs to realize that they should engage in sports not only for the sake of the country's name but also for their health. After the COVID-19 pandemic, young people are becoming increasingly obese. I hope we will have young people who also consider that there are other things besides technology."

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